Classic Stunt judges Jerry Eichten (left) and Tim Wescott watch as Mike Massey's Nobler passes. Flying Lines photo.
Jim Walker Memorial builds enthusiasm for 2015 season
April 17-18-19, East Delta Park, Portland, Ore.
Nice weather, excellent organization, good food and top-notch competition got the Northwest contest season underway at the 2015 Jim Walker Memorial Spring Tune-Up.
It was a busy three days with Speed on Friday, three classes of stunt and two classes of combat on Saturday, and combat, stunt and carrier on Sunday.
Richard Entwhistle was the capable contest director, assisted by Dave Royer. Barbara White handled the registration/scoring table, Richard Entwhistle at the airplane weighing station, Robert Ladd and several assistants at the food buffet, and lots of other Fireballs and other volunteers helping along the way. Event directors were Mike Hazel for speed, Scott Riese for stunt, Gary Harris for combat, and Joe Just and Dave Miller in carrier. All were assisted by a large and willing crew of judges, timers, etc.
This contest's scores are reflected in the Northwest control-line competition standings.
Speed event director's report
Speed was moderately attended, with the big draw this year the Northwest B Proto event. Featuring mandatory use of the O.S. LA 25 engine, it is very user-friendly to all levels of modelers. Rather than focusing on lots of engine trickery, the event is emphasizing use of good basic modeling skills. These include building a good light and straight plane (sounds like other events, eh?), setting up a proper running tank, and experimenting to find the best prop. Top entry in the NW record ratio was Ken Burdick's F2D Proto which set a new NW record. Ken employed a rather unique plane which featured a team racer style wing. It was very light! Results in the AMA record ratio division were pretty mediocre, with Mike Hazel turning in a substandard flight in 21 sport speed. Weather was good, and the only question now is -- where were the rest of the speed flyers?
Carrier director's report
The Carrier section of the "Tune-Up" went very well with increased participation. The deck was ready to go early in the morning and was fairly busy all day long. We were the last group to officially come to the close of the contest. I guess that's because we have so much fun. It was great to see Shawn Parker re join the fun, as he has been absent from the scene for some time. Dave Miller provided a lot of help in keeping the day moving along, and managed to get his first ever score in .40 Profile Carrier. His lady friend Hope turned out to be a great timer who jumped in any time she was needed. Wilber Hicks from California made the trip and seemed to be having a good time. Mike Hazel and Mike Potter added some real dedication to the event. The Johnson family once again came and their help in timing and scoring were a real blessing. I know I missed remembering everyone who helped set up the deck, tearing down the deck, timing flights, but without such help Carrier would not have been flown. As for myself, it was a pleasure to be the ED for Carrier. This was my swan song for being in charge of Carrier. I do so hope to continue to fly the event, but it is time to step aside, sit on the sidelines awaiting my turn to fly, tell long boring stories, meet new friends, give thanks for the old friends that I have gained in Carrier over the years. See you at the circle!
2015 Jim Walker Memorial Results
Compiled by Barbara White
(Click on the chart for a larger view)

Stunt judges:
Old-Time: Scott Riese, Leo Mehl
Classic/Nostalgia 30: Jerry Eichten, Tim Wescott
Profile: Scott Riese, Dave Royer
Beginner Precision Aerobatics: Richard Entwhistle, Dave Royer
Intermediate Precision Aerobatics: Tom Brightbill, Tim Wescott
Advanced Precision Aerobatics: Scott Riese, Tim Wescott
Expert Precision Aerobatics: Scott Riese, Dave Royer
Jim Walker Memorial photo gallery

Paul Walker puts in the winning flight in Expert Precision Aerobatics. Flying Lines photo.

Tom Brightbill launches Dave Royer's Humongous for its winning flight in Old-Time Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Leo Mehl's Nobler, flown in Nostalgia 30 Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Buzz Wilson launches an AMA Fast Combat plane; other pitman in the background is Gene Pape. Daniel Johnson photo.

Another treatment of the venerable Nobler design, Dane Covey's electric profile version. Flying Lines photo.

Half-A Combat airplanes ready for the high-performance event; all powered by Cyclon or Fora .049. Flying Lines photos.

Tom Brightbill always includes something to look at on the bottom of his planes. Flying Lines photo.

Here's the top of Brightbill's Hoppin' Boy Shark. Flying Lines photo.

Action in the Navy Carrier pits, including competitors and one interested spectator. Daniel Johnson photo.

Mike Massey's concentration is evident as he makes a Classic Stunt flight. Flying Lines photo.

Left photo: Jim Green (left) and Buzz Wilson duke it out in a combat match. Buzz took first place in High-Performance 1/2-A Combat. Flying Lines photo. Right photo: Mike Potter (left) and Shawn Parker discuss a Navy Carrier plane. Daniel Johnson photo.

One of the Navy Carrier plane in flight. Daniel Johnson photo.

Alan Resinger and Chris Cox built new versions of the Crossfire with larger wings to carry larger batteries they are using in 2015; this is Alan's. Flying Lines photo.

Detail of Alan Resinger's Crossfire XL. No, the vertical stabilizer isn't transparent; that's the reflection off Alan's fine finish. Flying Lines photo.

Chris Cox's version of the Crossfire XL. Flying Lines photo.

The AMA Fast Combat guys after a day of competition. From left, Gene Pape, Buzz Wilson, Jeff Rein, Robert Smith. Daniel Johnson photo.

The End of Stunt As We Know It -- that's what the name stands for. This is Russell Shaffer's version of a design popular in the East. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Haverly flies in Expert Precision Aerobatics. In the background are judges (with clipboards) Dave Royer (left) and Scott Riese. Also watching are Don Curry (second from left) and Tom Brightbill. Daniel Johnson photo.

Gene Pape's Yuvenko Barracuda, used in AMA Fast Combat, which returned to the Jim Walker this year. Flying Lines photo.

Two of Robert Smith's Fast Combat planes; all Fast planes were powered by Nelson .36. Flying Lines photo.

Expert Precision Aerobatics planes lined up in the pits on Sunday. Flying Lines photo.

Latest version of Paul Walker's Predator. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Haverly's Fifth Element. Flying Lines photo.

Dave Miller launches Joe Just's Navy Carrier plane. Daniel Johnson photo.
This page was upated March 14, 2016