2016 Postal Carrier ContestBy Joe Just The rules for the 2015-16 Postal contest have been developed from the older 2011 Postal Carrier Contest that was very successful. There have been some changes in those rules to simplify the scoring and aircraft requirements. First, here is a condensed version of the contest's theory. Those that were on the old (and remaining) committee developed rules for a postal contest that would fill a need and a chance to be competitive. Several years ago it appeared that there were many control-line people that would have liked to give Navy Carrier a try but were limited in their attempts because there was no contest in their area in which to compete, or no deck to practice on. They were limited to just flying a Navy Carrier plane as a sport plane without a chance to compete. The original rules for the old postal contest were developed to give those fliers a chance to try competition without leaving home. This new Postal Contest will repeat that goal. The new contest will not in any way conflict with any current Navy Carrier Society rules and is not a substitute for any Carrier contest run by that Society, nor will any scores from this new contest be eligible for listing with the Society's Top 20 national Ranking. 1. PLANE ELIGIBILITY FOR THE TWO SECTIONS OF THIS CONTEST Any plane that is legal for the Northwest Sport 40 Profile event will be eligible. They will be flown separately from the other class. Any plane that is legal for the Northwest .15 Carrier event will be eligible for this class and will be flown separately from the NW 40 class. All planes must be controlled by either a 3 line system or a 2.4 system. No line sliders will be eligible. A plane using a line slider that is permanently fixed in one position for a contest flight will be eligible. No appearance points will be awarded for this contest. Because of landing requirements an arresting hook is not mandatory, but can be deployed if wanted. 2. SPECIAL LANDING DECK RULES FOR THIS CONTEST Due to the fact that many, if not most of the possible interested flyers have limited access to an official AMA Carrier Deck, the latest postal contest will have the following deck rules. Local flyers may lay out a marked area as a landing and takeoff area. This fake deck will be 8 feet by 20 feet, and can be made with any number of markings. The deck could be simply laid out by paint, flour, plywood or any material that clould be seen from the center of the flying circle. There shall be no arresting cables required, but can be placed using 2x4's with the arresting lines running to each side if desired. 3. SCORING FOR THE POSTAL CONTEST All scores are to be sent in are under the "Honor System." HIGH SPEED SCORE Your high speed score be the number os seconds from the release from the bow of your deck. 7 laps will be the number of laps that will be flown. Your watch must be stopped as your plane crosses the stern of the deck. Record this time (for example; 27.83) After slowing your plane you must signal your helper/s that you will begin the slow speed section of your flight on the next lap. As the plane crosses the stern of the deck the watches should start. After 7 laps the watches must stop and the time should be recorded (for example; 74.91) NOTE: FOR THE .15 EVENT THE FLYER MUST FLY 8 LAPS FOR HIGH AND LOW SCORES LANDING SCORE For a landing score of 50 points the plane must make a "touch and go" landing within the 8 by 20 foot deck area. The attempt to land must be made after a singnal of intent by the flyer one lap before his attempt. If the plane misses the deck or touches down before the deck or after an attempt and misses the deck, the landing score is recorded as a Zero. No points will be awarded unless there is a clear "landing" (or "touch and go") in the premaked landing zone. THE POSTAL CONTEST COMMITTEE WILL HANDLE THE MATH Just email the results to the committee by sending in the seconds for the high speed and the low speed and landing score. You may enter scores that have no landing score. The final total score will be tabulated here and then you will receive your score. You may enter multiple scores for a single days scoreing. You may enter scores at any time of the contest length; that is between 12/1/15 to 9/30/2016. Any scores you receive at an AMA sanctioned meet will not be elliglible for this years contest. AWARDS HANDED OUT IN OCTOBER OF 2016 OVERALL TOP SCORE FOR NW 40 PROFILE RECEIVES A BRODAK KIT OVERALL TOP SCORE FOR .15 CARRIER WILL RECEIVES A BRODAK KIT CLOSEST TO THE OVERALL AVERAGE FOR THE YEAR RECEIVES SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL, ANNOUNCED ONLY AT THE END OF THE CONTEST Originally there were to be no prizes, but they have been added to help encourage people to compete. Thank you, the POSTAL CARRIER CONTEST COMMITTEE. Consisting of the following Joe Just, unnamed, unnamed. Back to Navy Carrier main pageFlying Lines home pageThis page was upated Nov. 20, 2015