I would like to make a proposal that the year of 2008 be our official "Warbird Year." The plan is for this to be simply a fun thing. The most official event is to have a mass photo at the 2008 Regionals to commemorate the gathering of the Warbirds.
Currently we have several planes under construction.
I have a Spitfire, Mark Scarborough has an excellent looking Me-109, Bob
Smiley is making the Warburton "Tony," and Buzz Wilson is working
on a 40/46 sized version of my Mustang. Ted Gritzmacher is making an F7F
Tigercat for Carrier. So far we have a good number on the board.
I would like to offer to anyone desiring to get involved, that I will be happy to provide plans free of charge out of my plans list. My list includes P-40 Warhawks, Mustangs, Bearcats, Wildcats, Hellcats, Spitfires, Corsairs, Zeros, P-47 Thunderbolts, and some I've probably forgotten about. Also, I can resize the plans to hit the exact wing area that a person desires, so that the plane will be just what the builder wants for the engine selected.
The idea of this is to provide inspiration to build a warbird
and experience the fun from a slight departure of the norm. Who knows, we
may start something that could spread through the rest of the country.
This will be fun, so feel free to get in touch with me for whatever plans you would like.
Photos: Top, three of Pat Johnston's award-winning warbirds. Left, Floyd Carter's Hurricane. Right, Paul Walker's Miss America in Flight.
This page was upated Nov. 25, 2007