Skyraiders winter 2020 updateMeetings suspended; 2021 membership form availableNov. 23, 2020 Letter from Steve Holt to Northwest Skyraiders members Fellow Members of the Northwest Skyraiders and friends: This note is sent to update you on a few current events relating to our club. First of all, I pass along some sad news that Tom Knoppi has passed away in the last week or so. I was informed by John Knoppi, his son, and received an email from his family. Also, Bill Darkow has had a very serious heart attack and is not in condition to receive either visitors or phone calls at this time. Doug Oertli may have more information on his condition. Please get in contact with Doug if you want to pass along support or more information. If you follow our sport on Flying Lines, we had a Swap Meet tentatively scheduled for Dec. 5. I contacted John Thompson at Flying Lines and had that removed from the upcoming events calendar. Covid-19 will not allow us to meet in any significant numbers here in Washington state through the end of this year at least. We are hopeful a vaccine will be developed, approved and distributed in the coming year allowing us to return to a more normal schedule for meetings and events in mid-2021. We intend to keep the club intact and alive with Fun Fly events on Fridays when good weather allows. Social distancing and good common sense to protect us all are the standard we are living up to when we meet. On that note, I have attached a form for 2021 membership renewal or new application form for us to sustain our membership. Please send me any updated information on the form, or send me it in email, or call me and give me your new address or new phone number, home phone or cell phone. There have been quite a few updates made, but not reported and our roster is getting a bit out of date in some cases. In times like these, I have been called on to provide contact information for members in the club. I can only give out what information you provide me. We hope to start holding meetings when the Covid-19 vaccines are out and available and the governor lifts his restrictions. Your continued support during these times has been great to see. We have had some great turnouts at the Friday Fun Flies and the Ringmaster Event in early October was a huge success, thanks to Dave Gardner. We are looking forward to holding more normal things such as contests and regular monthly meetings in 2021 when we can. Until then, keep building and flying when you can. This page was upated Nov. 27, 2020 |