A View from
New .21 Sport Speed plane

By Ken Burdick
Yes Folks, it’s true
There IS a new speed ship here in the Northern Stables of
the Broadway Bod Busters. It has no name and while not as
cool as the Newtron Bomb, made famous by designer John
Newton, I like it.
I was pretty sure that I wasn’t going to build anymore Speed
ships since I have a full contingent of them in the shop,
but that was before Fred Quedenfeld dangled the O'Donnell
.21 in front of me. What can I say — once a motorhead,
always a motorhead.
I had never heard of the O'Donnell .21; it was made for RC
cars some years back. The beast arrived just before
Christmas and I set about collecting bits and pieces for a
new speedster. I was pretty sure I had aluminum wings and a
fiberglass crutch "somewhere," so over the holidays I began
uncovering miscellaneous pieces to the project I didn’t
really want to build.
I found a few Darp pans, a glass fuselage and several
aluminum wings.The outline was taken from the .21 Sport
Speed ship I already have — some of you have seen the
Louie-Louie Speed Team hand-launch that one. That model is
very fast, but too peaky and hard to needle. The new model
is supposed to fix all that.
This model was a struggle from the beginning due to the
rotundness of the engine. It’s so fat — well, never mind.
Anyway, the bulk caused many issues.
The model will likely make it’s debut at the 2025 Northwest
Regionals in Roseburg, Ore.
This one will NOT be hand launched; we save that for special
Finish on the new model is Endura Royal Blue, trimmed with
Painter’s Touch Golden Sunset. White primer under the yellow
and a gray etch auto primer under the blue. The whole mess
will be clear coated with an automotive clearcoat
two-part polyurethane.
I seriously doubt I can set a new record with this one, but
hope springs eternal here at the Bod Buster Northern
I hope to see all my speedy and non-speedy friends at the
— Kenny-b
The top and the O'Donnell .21. All photos by Ken
Early construction.
Primer applied.
This page
was updated Feb. 8, 2025