Jerry Eichten's SV-11 flies against a patchwork clouds and sun sky on Sunday, April 20, at the Jim Walker Memorial contest. Bruce Hunt photo.
There's something special about the first contest of the season. After a winter of preparation, it's time to get on the flying circle with your fellow modelers and show what you can do.
The days leading up to "The Jim"
in 2008 were fraught with uncertainty, as the weather forecasts showed rain
and even snow. But when the fliers actually gathered, the conditions were
reasonable for an April contest. Fine on Friday, chilly and a bit blustery
on Saturday, and actually pretty nice on Sunday. All the scheduled events
took place, except for the second round of Classic Stunt on Saturday, which
was washed out by a rain/hail squall. If we had waited an hour, we'd have
had pretty reasonable weather for that, too, as the wind died down and the
sun came out. All in all, the weather was not that bad, compared to the
dire forecasts.The forecasts did seem to depress the entry level a bit,
though there were plenty of fliers there to have a good contest. Sunday's
conditions can be seen by the photo at right of the Precision Aerobatics
Bruce Hunt photo.
The Northwest Fireballs did an excellent job conducting the meet over the three days, with speed on Friday, Profile and Classic Stunt and 1/2-A Combat on Saturday and Precision Aerobatics and 80mph Combat on Sunday.
The Flying Lines editor was too busy competing to take detailed notes, but there were some memorable moments:
Unfortunately, the Navy Carrier event was more or less a bust, with only one official score recorded. Too bad, because the Fireballs did a lot of work retrieving the deck from Eugene, setting up and preparing to host the event (then taking it down and putting it away).
We're sure there were other memorable events, which we'll add here as we think of them -- or as others jog our memories. All in all, a fun, well-run, well-worth-attending weekend of competition.
This contest's scores are reflected in the Northwest control-line competition standings.
NW Standings points in parentheses
RECORD RATIO SPEED (5 entries) (Revised 6/5 with corrected scores)
1. Ken Kortness, Spokane, Wash. -- B Speed, 162.98 mph, 89% of national
record; Northwest record, eclipsing Kortness 2007 record of 161.37 (5)
2. Dick Salter, Tenino, Wash. -- Sport Jet, 88% (4)
3. Ted Gritzmacher, Battle Ground, Wash. -- Sport Jet, 87% (3)
4. Rich Salter, Seattle, Wash. -- Formula 40, 137 mph, 86% (2)
Click here to go to speed report by Mike Hazel
1. Don McKay, Redmond, Wash. -- 95.66 mph (3)
2. Ken Burdick, Kent, Wash. -- 92.58 mph (2)
3. Jeff Rein, Covington, Wash. -- 90.37 mph (1)
NAVY CARRIER (Record Ratio) (1 entry)
1. David Miller, Pasco, Wash., Profile --163 points (1)
1. Ken Burdick -- 3-0 (4)
2. Robert Smith, Roy, Wash. -- 3-1 (3)
3. Don McKay --1-2 (2)
4. Buzz Wilson, Belfair, Wash. -- 0-3 (1)
80MPH COMBAT (6 entries)
1. Buzz Wilson -- 4-0 (6)
2. Ken Burdick -- 3-1 (5)
3. Don McKay -- 2-2 (4)
4. David Miller -- 1-3 (3)
5. Robert Smith, John Thompson -- 0-2
CLASSIC STUNT (3 entries)
1. Bruce Hunt, Salem, Ore. -- 523 (3)
2. John Thompson, Eugene, Ore. -- 487 (2)
3. Scott Riese, Portland, Ore. -- 384 (1)
Judges: Leo Mehl, Jack Pitcher
1. Doug Wood, Idaho Falls, Idaho -- 421 (5)
2. Richard Entwistle, Scappoose, Ore. -- 383 (4)
3. Art Zehner, Portland, Ore. -- 378 (3)
4. David Miller -- 175 (2)
5. Don McKay -- 124
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
1. Bruce Hunt -- 446 (2)
2. John Thompson -- 438 (1)
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
1. Jeff Christianson, Portland, Ore. -- 238.5 (2)
2. David Miller -- 175.5 (1)
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
1. Richard Entwistle -- 432.5 (2)
2. Art Zehner -- 419 (1)
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
1. DougWood -- 471 (1)
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
1. Jack Pitcher, Gresham, Ore. -- 564.5 (9)
2. Bruce Hunt -- 553.5 (7.5)
3. Pete Peterson, Tacoma, Wash. -- 547 (6)
4. Jerry Eichten, Newberg, Ore. -- 546.5 (4.5)
5. Mike Haverly, Auburn, Wash. -- 506
6. John Thompson -- 481.5
Judges: Leo Mehl, Scott Riese
Results of this contest will be included in the Northwest Control-Line Competition Standings.
It was an interesting opening day of the Northwest Speed Season at Delta Park on April 18th. Most of the NW Speed enthusiasts showed up for the Friday romp, however not everybody enterered. The weather looked threatening, but that it didn't come through with any nasty stuff. Was a bit chilly with temps in the 40's, but the wind was light.
Ted Gritzmacher and Dick Salter kicked off the day with their sport jets. Dick had his old reliable Ironsides III, and Ted used a Phire Phart. Ted had just equipped his plane with the new Jet Bill sport engine and did some trim work on the airframe, which yielded a smooth flight that never exceeded three feet in elevation.
Ken Kortness put up some flights with his class 'B', with a best of 162.98 mph which topped his old NW record of 161. He used a conventional layout bird with a piped Super Tigre X29.
Ted G also put up his old reliable 'D' ship for a well below potential flight, and Rich Salter flew his Formula 40 bird. Other action included Craig Barlett battling fuel feed problems with a slick looking 1/2 A ship, and Scott Newkirk working on his F2A plane.
Sorry if I missed anyone or any special details. Oh! And then of course there was the speed circle invasion of the Broadway Bod Busters. As earlier chronicled in FL, the BBB had some extra engines and some extra ideas which somehow wound up as a new speed event. Highlights noted from their flights would note that all their planes looked like good flying birds, although one of them did a torque roll into the tarmac. Watch takeoff position, guys! Jeff Rein's lighweight entry appeared to be at nearly full speed within 15 feet of takeoff!
Thanks to the Northwest Fireballs for including speed in the contest, and thanks to Loren Howard for heading up the officiation.
The Broadway Bod Busters with their F2D Proto Speed planes and some of the trophies. From left, Ken Burdick, Jeff Rein, Don McKay and Buzz Wilson. Note T-shirt weather on Sunday! Flying Lines photo.
Left photo: Two ARF Tutors on the pit line. Right photo: Mike Haverly burping the engine in his Oriental Plus. Bruce Hunt photos.
Though the weather was not bad most of the time, there was a brief hail and rainstorm on Saturday. Left photo: Scott Riese's Cougar urned upside down and collecting raindrops on the bottom. Right photo: A chair with some ice and a puddle on the seat. Bruce Hunt photos.
Left photo: Art Zehner pull-testing his Cardinal. Flying Lines photo. Right photo: Scott Riese got caught flying in the hailstorm. Bruce Hunt photo.
Roving photographers captured the FL editor at play. At left, John Thompson burps the Ares. Bruce Hunt photo. At right, getting ready to fire up the Evil Twin in the Expert Profile Stunt shootout. Both JT and Bruce Hunt flew the twin. Gene Pape photo.
Left photo: Doug Wood (left) prepares his Pathfinder for a flight, with Jerry Olson holding. Right photo: 1/2-A combat planes ready for action. Flying Lines photos.
Left photo: Contest Director and Combat ED Gary Harris. Right photo: Fancherized Twister, built by Mark Scarborough and flown by David Miller. Flying Lines photos.
Left photo: The photographer titled this photo "Stunt School." Broadway Bod Buster Don McKay (left) gets a lesson from Buzz Wilson, while "coach" Ken Burdick studies the stunt pattern. Right photo: Don flies Profile Stunt, while Ken gives instructions. Gene Pape photos.
The moment of takeoff: Bruce Hunt launches the twin for JT. Gene Pape photo.
Two of the speed fliers at the circle on Friday. At left, Ron Bennett. At right, Craig Bartlett. Photos provided by Craig Bartlett.
Another moment of takeoff: Bob Smith launches a 1/2-A Combat plane. Gene Pape photo.
This page was upated June 5, 2008