Jerry Eichten flies his Python in
Expert Profile Stunt. Flying Lines photo.
2023 Jim Walker Memorial
April 21-23, Jim Walker Memorial
Control-Line Field, East Delta Park, Portland,
By Barbara White
The Northwest
Fireballs held their season-opening Jim
Walker Memorial Spring Tune-Up on a wet third
weekend of a wet month of a wet winter.
Friday and Saturday were damp, while Sunday
was substantially wetter. We welcomed
the 18 flyers who braved the weather and
joined us in flying 52 events.
Contest Director was Jim Cameron; Assistant
CD was Dave Royer (involved in planning, but
unable to attend due to family
concerns). Event managers were Doug
Powers, Racing; Mike Hazel, Speed; Gary
Harris, Combat; Tim Wescott, Stunt; and the
team of Chris Nicholls and Mike Potter,
Coffee and morning sweets were very
appreciated every (cool and damp) day.
Robert Ladd provided food on Saturday
(thanks!), but no lunch on Sunday due to poor
weather and much reduced turnout.
Thanks to all of those mentioned above and to
all of the other volunteers who made this a
successful contest.
Racing Report, by ED Doug
Racing was the first event on Friday
morning. The weather was perfect for Racing,
Overcast, cool, no wind or rain. Only
four contestants were entered for the three
First up was Sportsman Clown. Mike Hazel
and John Thompson each entered a plane;
Leighton Mangels and I also each entered a
plane. We flew two races of 10 minutes each.
Leighton flew for me so he raced against
John and then against Mike.
The most laps,155, went to Mike Hazel for
first place, John Thompson was second with
139, Leighton third with 132, and that left
fourth for me with 116.
Next up was Sport Race. There were only
three entries, John Thompson, Mike Hazel,
and Leighton Mangels. We decided that
each team would fly one at a time for the
140-lap race. Mike had the fastest time at 9
minutes 15 seconds for first place. Leighton
came in second with a time of 11 minutes 27
seconds. John went 47 laps and then wasn't
able to restart his engine; he didn't finish
the race for third place.
The last Racing event was Super Sport Race.
This time there was only two entries, Mike
Hazel and Leighton Mangels. We again
decided to do only the one 140-lap race.
Mike had the fastest time, 8 minutes 26
seconds for the win. Leighton's time was 9
minutes 1 second for second place.
Thank you to Jim Cameron for running the
Racing. Thanks to Darrin Bishop and Don
Curry for being the lap
counter/timers. And thanks to
Mike and John. Without them there wouldn't
have been any Racing this year.
Speed Report, by ED Mike
It was a very light turnout for Speed,
with only four entries in Northwest
record ratio and only one in AMA record
ratio. Mike Hazel flew an ancient
rat racer in Formula 40 to take the
first in the AMA class. All of the
NW event entries were in the NW B Proto
event. Unfortunately, everyone
seemed to have serious problems getting
off the ground. Two entries came
in on takeoff, and damage to the landing
gear was the result there. One
entry did a quick torque roll and was
seriously damaged. Mike Hazel's
entry barely made it off the tarmac but
was able to do a full flight. Part
of the problem may have been the rough
surface on part of the circle.
Hopefully we will have better
luck next time!
Stunt Report, by ED Tim
We successfully pulled off another Stunt
event at the Tune-Up.
Saturday featured nine competitors in four
events. The weather turned out fine,
with low winds and high clouds.
Jim Cameron flew in Old Time again this
year, placing second between John Thompson
and Mike Hazel; I believe we have someone to
watch in this event.
Competition on Saturday was uneventful, with
no crashes or other drama. The worst
that happened to anyone was folks having
problems with engine runs.
A highlight for me was that Bob Parker came
down from Seattle to spectate; I
half-jokingly asked if he'd like to judge
Profile and he gave me an emphatic "yes"! We
had some Nats-level judging for the second
half of Saturday. Jim Cameron managed
to end up scribing for him, and so got a bit
of a judging education in the process.
Somehow I shall overcome my feelings
of envy.
Sunday ended up being kind of a wash -- both
figuratively and literally, given the rain.
The day started with drizzle, and
turned into a steady but low-wind rain
halfway through the morning.
Our flying contingent on Sunday was one each
of Intermediate, Advanced, and Expert, so we
made the decision to lump them all into
Expert for the day.
Randy Ling provided us with some drama by
putting in the best flight of the first
round. For a while, it was looking
like the Intermediate guy would take the
gold. John Thompson put in a much-improved
second flight and took care of that concern,
taking first in PA.
Judging was provided by:
Tim Wescott -- all events
Jerry Eichten -- Old Time
Jim Cameron -- Classic on Saturday, PA on
Bob Parker -- Profile on Saturday, with Jim
Cameron as scribe
Robin Gearn -- Standby judge for PA on
I want to thank all of the people who
stepped up to judge -- especially Robin
Gearn, who thought she was just going to
shadow-judge PA, but suddenly got promoted
to a substitute judge in the second round
when Jim Cameron was called away for an
emergency in the Combat circle.
NW .15 Fast Combat; Double
elimination; four entrants
A HUGE thank you to Terence Bardue and
Niels Madsen for helping with the
officiating during the two days of Combat.
Rain, rain go away, come again another
day. Of course, we need rain.
It's necessary for life. We just don't
like it to be coming down on us from the sky
while we are flying our model
airplanes. We've been fairly lucky
dodging the rain clouds over these last
several years of holding the spring opener
event here in Portland that has
traditionally been called the Jim Walker
Memorial contest. Most of the contests
have occurred on or about the third weekend
of April. Easter weekend would not be
a good time to have a control line event so
we steer clear of that time of the
month. April showers bring May
flowers. Having our contest in May
would put us close to the Northwest
Regionals Memorial Day weekend time frame.
To the point: Friday was nice and dry
for Racing and Speed. Saturday was the
same. We had the hope of more
competitors showing up Saturday for the NW
.15 Fast event but we were happy that Greg
Machen, Jim Green, Gene Pape and Robert
Smith came to town to engage in the
air-to-air dogfight.
We are glad to have a venue in Portland to
play with our toy airplanes and we're on
fairly good terms with the city of Portland
Parks and Recreation personnel. The
down side is that right next to where we fly
our models is a baseball field that can
become inhabited by a bunch of people who
want to use a club to attack an innocent
white object and force it to fly through the
air. Saturday, the day of our contest,
the baseball/softball teams flooded E. Delta
Park for their first spring
tournament. What a coincidence!
Last year we heard some complaining from one
of the coaches who didn't like us doing our
thing near their ballfield. This year,
no complaints.
Not having a large field of competitors
gave us the freedom of being somewhat laid
back so far as feeling pressed for
time. It is good to note that while
each entrant shows up with an attitude of
competitiveness wanting to win, we help each
other compete. Pilots will trade off
pitting chores with other pilots throughout
the contest.
We got started; Matches were flown,
sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
The plus side of officiating is that those
judging get to watch some very skilled
pilots put on entertaining matches.
Wows and Ahhhs were heard.
Robert flew against Greg for a win, then
against Jim for a second win. His
third match pitted him against Gene who got
the win, and then again in the final against
Gene with Robert winning and taking first
Gene flew against Jim who pulled off a win,
then Gene duked it out with Greg and Gene
scored a victory. Next, Robert
suffered a loss to Gene. Jim then lost
a match to Gene. With three wins and
one loss Gene met Robert in the final
and Robert took the win. This
gave Gene second place.
Jim flew his first match against Gene and
scored a win. Then Jim's second match
was with Robert who took the victory.
Flying against Gene again and this time
losing knocked him out of the event and
placed him third.
Greg's first match resulted in a loss to
Robert. Unfortunately, his second
match resulted in a loss against Gene,
eliminating him.
I should mention that in the middle of the
day we got to be served Bar-B-Q dogs cooked
up by Northwest Fireballs member Robert
See full results in the scoreboard below.
NW 80mph Combat; seven entrants
Jim Green, Mike Hazel, Gene Pape, Robert
Smith, John Thompson, Russel Hester and Greg
Sunday was a different story. It was
misty enough to be called rain and it
settled in. We had seven entries
signed up to fly but one didn't show.
Can't blame anyone for not wanting to fly in
the wet stuff. But we had six who were
willing to get after it and they did.
The Stunt flyers didn't have much of a
turnout. Three were there to put up
Stunt flights and after they did; two of
those came over to fly Combat! Later
in the day the weather did change for the
better and the moisture quit falling from
Greg first flew against Russ for a
loss. It looked like Greg's bad luck
followed him from the day before. Next
match brought a ray of hope when he took the
win over experienced pilot John. Next
match for Greg was with cagey Gene.
Again a win for Greg. Next Greg was
pitted against Russ again and now this time
the tide changed with Greg pulling off
another win. In fact, Greg had done so
well that now he found himself in a final
match with Russ. They both flew really
well and put on a show for those
watching. Greg came out victorious and
had earned first place.
Russ began the day hot with three wins in a
row. Down went Greg, then Mike, then
John with losses. By this time Russ
and Greg found themselves in a semifinal
match. Russ had no losses and Greg had
one. Greg took a win so now each had a
loss. Since this contest was based on
a double elimination format and the other
pilots were out of the running, Russ and
Greg needed to fly once more to determine
the winner of the event. So, they went
up in the air one more time and in the end
Greg came away with the win. So,
second place for Russ.
John started the day with a loss to
Greg. Next match found him pitted
against his flying buddy Gene. John
got a win. Next he had to fly against
Russ. This unfortunately was the
spectacular midair of the day with a
jaw-dropping splatter of white foam
particles snowing down on the grass.
There were no cuts or kills but Russ was
launched ahead of John meaning he was in the
air first. Russ got the win.
Third place for John.
Gene, a solid stalwart of the combat
community with a long history of CL flying
started his day off with a win against
Mike. Then followed with a loss to
John and a second loss to Greg which now put
him out of the running and a placing of
Mike, who had already flown in Racing,
Speed and Stunt came to the Combat circle to
chase some streamers. First match was
against Gene who got the win. Next
match found Mike pitted with Russ who took
the win. Mike was now eliminated.
Jim's first match was one of those that
didn't happen. Accidents that cause
the blood to gush out are painful to see and
of course hurtful to the recipient.
Somehow Jim's left hand, while starting the
plane's engine at the beginning of the
match, got just a little too close to the
rotating propeller and flesh got
gashed. Off to the hospital he went
with helpful Sam Baird in Sam's Maserati to
get patched up. No more flying for Jim
today. He returned in a couple of
hours all taped up and in good spirits.
Robert Smith was entered but did not show
for 80mph Combat.
Carrier Report, by ED Mike
Well guys, it was bust! The famous
Delta Park airplane-eating tree scored
more points than we did. Jim Schneider
totaled both his profile and his
Northwest Sport 40 models. Mike Hazel
posted the only complete scores; all
other contestants either got eaten by
the tree or failed to get a complete
score. Engine failure on low speed being
the most common reason. (Note
… we’ll locate the deck farther from the
tree next year.)
2023 Jim Walker Memorial Results
Compiled by Barbara White
(Pts. column indicates Northwest
Standings points)
Click on chart for larger display

Jim Walker Memorial photo gallery

Mike Hazel shows his B Proto Speed
plane to Mark Crouse (left) and Darrin Bishop on
Friday. Flying Lines photo.

Lineup of Profile Stunt plane on
Saturday. Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape (left) and Robert Smith
battle in 15 Fast Combat on Saturday. Robert took
first place, Gene second. Flying Lines photo.

Saturday Stunt judges Jim Cameron
(left) and Tim Wescott. Flying Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten signals Profile
Stunt judges that he's ready to push the "start"
button on his electric Python, as Randy Ling
holds. Flying Lines photo.

The Python in flight. Flying

Dane Covey flies his Nobler in
Classic Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Jim Schneider prepares his ARF
Nobler for a Classic Stunt flight. Flying
Lines photo.

Mike Hazel captured first place in
Profile Carrier with his Cro Magnon Air Force
plane, which is approaching 50 years old. Flying
Lines photo.

Jim Green launches a 15 Fast
Combat plane. Flying Lines photo.

The Tom Kopriva-built Lieutenant
rolls to a stop after Mike Hazel piloted it in
Classic Stunt. The interesting history of the
Lieutenant is told in the 2022 Favorite Planes
gallery. Flying Lines photo.

Combat Event Director Gary Harris
prepares to start a match, assisted by judges
Terrence Bardue (left) and Niels Madsen. Flying
Lines photo.

Navy Carrier planes filled their
pit area. Unfortunately, a tree near the circle
caused some casualties. Pictured from left are
Kris Millard, Chris Nicholls, Randy Ling and Mike
Potter. Flying Lines photo.

Leighton Mangels launches Jim
Cameron's Firecat for an Old-Time Stunt flight. Flying
Lines photo.

Classic Stunt pit area. Flying
Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten (left) and Tim
Wescott judge a Stunt flight. Flying Lines

Doug Powers fuels his B Proto
Speed plane as Leighton Mangels holds and Niels
Madsen watches. Fling Lines photo.

Leighton Mangels (left) and John
Thompson pilot in Northwest Super Sport Race. Barbara
White photo.

Weather conditions were not bad on
Friday and Saturday but they turned wet on Sunday.
Photo catches the Beaver State Combat Team bundled
up against the rain in the Combat pits (from
left): Gene Pape, Russ Hester and John Thompson. Steve
Lindstedt photo.

Gene Pape (left) and Greg Machen
fly in 15 Fast Combat. Flying Lines photo.
Airplane gallery

Lieutenant, flown by Mike Hazel in
Classic Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson's Gypsy for Classic
Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten's Oriental, for
Classic Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Dane Covey's Nobler for Classic
Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson's Scrub J, flown in
Profile Stunt and Precision Aerobatics. Flying
Lines photo.

Jerry Eichten's Python for Profile
Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Dane Covey's Profile Nobler for
profile Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Fred Underwood's Genesis2 for
Profile Stunt. Flying Lines photo.

Randy Ling's Profile Stunt plane,
also flown in Precision Aerobatics. Flying
Lines photo.

Nelson .36 on the (serious)
business end of a Profile Carrier MO-1. Flying
Lines photo.

Classic warbird for Northwest
Sport 40 Carrier. Flying Lines photo.

A biplane for Northwest Sport 40
Carrier. Flying Lines photo.

Jim Schneider's MO-1 for Profile
Carrier. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Hazel flew this Barnstormer
built by Floyd Carter in Old-Time Stunt. Flying
Lines photo.

Another Barnstormer for Old-Time
Stunt, this one by John Thompson. Flying
Lines photo.

Mike Hazel's B Proto Speed plane.
Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape flew this 1980s vintage
Dogfighter in 80mph Combat. Steve Lindstedt

Mike Hazel services his 80mph
Combat plane; attempts to keep from kneeling in
the soggy grass caused some awkward positions. Steve
Lindstedt photo.

Greg Machen's F2D Combat plane,
used in both 15 Fast and 80mph Combat. Steve
Lindstedt photo.

John Thompson's 80mph Combat
plane, powered by a de-tuned 1980s vintage Fox
Combat Special. Steve Lindstedt photo.
page was updated May 1, 2024