Early arrivals at the fun fly arrayed their planes around the circle. Many more soon arrived and displays popped up everywhere. Flying Lines photo.

Prop Spinners 2019 Fun Fly

First organized event at Can Do Ranch circle draws a crowd

May 4, 2019, Eugene, Ore.

The Eugene Prop Spinners recently began their fourth season of flying at the privately owned Can Do Ranch between Eugene and Junction City, Ore. To celebrate, the club hosted its first-ever organized event at the ranch. The Prop Spinners invited fliers from neighboring CL communities (the Western Oregon Control-Line Flyers (WOLF) in Salem and the Roseburg Area Flyers (RAF) to bring lots of airplanes to the ranch for flying and display.

The event drew 14 modelers and seven guests for a full day of flying -- and a hot dog lunch.

To add interest, a $50 Brodak gift certificate was offered to the "favorite plane" selected by a ballot of everyone who attended. A big bonus was a huge table of prizes donated -- mostly by Dave Shrum -- for a raffle. Every modeler who attended got a ticket, and everyone got to go through the prize table twice. Thanks, Dave!

The fun fly was the brainchild of Prop Spinner Gene Pape, who also served as the chef. Jim Morton brought salad and Anita Hester delighted everyone with home-baked cookies and zuccini bread.

In the "favorite plane" voting, everyone was asked to rank their favorite planes from 1 to up to 6, with a points scale descending from 10 for first place to 5 for sixth.

The winning plane in the balloting was Floyd Carter's Spitfire stunter, which scored 74 points. Floyd declined the prize, so it went to the second-place points finisher, Dave Shrum, who scored 57 points for his cute little "Miss Peggy," shown at right in the photo below.

Dave Shrum's fleet on display. Flying Lines photo.

The third-place plane was Dave La Fever's Sky Chief, which scored 50 points. Tying for fourth place were Gary Weems' new star-spangled Flite Streak and John Thompson's Evil Twin, both scoring 43. Sixth place went to Thompson's Crossfire stunter, with 32 points. Twenty-one other planes received votes.

Weather was almost perfect, approximately 70 degrees with a moderate, steady wind blowing toward the south -- not enough to stop anybody from flying.

Attending were modelers Bill Badstubner, Craig Bartlett, Floyd Carter, Wayne Esauk, Mike Denlis, Russ Hester, Dave LaFever, Jim Morton, Gene Pape, Gerald Schamp, Mark Schluter, Dave Shrum, John Thompson and Gary Weems, along with guests Laurie Bartlett, Anita Hester, Zach Phelps, Brenda Scamp, Ray Walker, Doug Waters and Peggy Weems.

More EPS fun fly photos

Floyd Carter's Spitfire (foreground) was the top finisher in the favorite-plane balloting. Floyd Carter photo.

Gene Pape's fleet of vintage combat planes. The Sneeker in the back row and the green VooDoo scored points in favorite-plane voting. Flying Lines photo.

Dave LaFever tunes the engine on his Akromaster. Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape tends to the hot dogs at the fun fly picnic. Flying Lines photo.

Dave LaFever's lineup of military-marked airplanes. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis' monoline-controlled Tutor, with its monoline handle cleverly stored in a gun case. Flying Lines photo.

Gene Pape flies an 80mph Combat plane while modeling the 2019 Northwest Regionals T-shirt. Flying Lines photo.

Gary Weems' brand-new Flite Streak was a favorite of many voters, finishing fourth in the balloting. Flying Lines photo.

Because space is tight at the ranch circle, planes were grouped in several locations around the field. Above, Mike Denlis prepares his Ringmaster for a flight alongside one group on the flight line. Flying Lines photo.

John Thompson brought a variety of planes from the Evil Twin in the background to the electric Combat plane in the foreground. Flying Lines photo.

Mike Denlis tunes the engine on his Ringmaster while Mark Schluter holds. Floyd Carter photo.

Dave Shrum prepares his spark-ignition-powered vintage Magician for a flight. The Magician scored points in the favorite-plane balloting. Floyd Carter photo.

The raffle prize table. Most of the prizes were donated by Dave Shrum. Floyd Carter photo.

Giving away the raffle prizes! Floyd Carter photo.

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This page was upated May 5, 2019