2016 Nearly 1/2-A Fun Stunt EventJune 20, 2016, Richmond, B.C.We lucked out with the weather. It was a very light misty drizzle when we arrived however by the time we started flying it had stopped and the wind was light so no problems for the smaller models. The flight line. All photos by Dave McCheyne. We had a good turnout with nine entries and some pretty good flying. There were also some exciting moments like a reverse run away and a couple of minor crashes. Results1/2-A STUNT Next year we will be running only one event a day so we have time for two rounds. NOSTALGIA STUNT A good time was had by all! Ron and Glen get a plane ready. Bruce Duncan starts his engine. B A nice prize for the winner. Stunt judge Keith Varley. Flying Lines home pageBack to Vancouver Gas Model Club pageThis page was upated July 10, 2017