Fliers and at the annual Nearly 1/2-A Fun Stunt Event in Richmond, B.C. Gerry Boyd, Bruce Duncan, Glenn Little, Mike Jennings, Bob Baldock, Dave McCheyne, John Cousineau, Larry Lewin, Iain Dowling, Henry Hajdik and Harold Youds. Not pictured are Hube Start and Ron Belcourt. 2013 Nearly 1/2-A Fun Stunt EventJune 29, 2013, Richmond, B.C.This year's Nearly 1/2A Fun Stunt Event was EVENTFUL. We had 13 entries which is up from last year by one. One of the new entrants was John Cousineau, flying a P-38 powered by two T.D. 051s. Most of the other models were the same as last year. I didn't fly this year. However, I brought out two models for others to fly and had engine problems as the models had not been flown or run in over two years. We had a couple of spot landings (crashes) but very little damage. There was also some very good flying and good-flying models. The weather was HOT and a wind did come up in the afternoon so many decided not to fly a second round. The winners were: 1. Dave McChenye, flying Glenn's foam and brown paper P-5 All of these models flew very well and power ranged from TeeDee .049, TeeDee 051, A.P. Wasp .061, Larry's electric, and I think Henry had either a Thunder Tiger or Magnum .10. A big thanks must go out to Gerry Boyd for his tireless efforts in running the event. I also would like to thank Hube Start for assisting with the scoring, and a further special thanks to Dave's lady Cindy for the food she prepared. Below are links to more photos and video by Joe Yau: A few pics of the planes.. nice job on the Plaque! Lineup of some of the planes at the Nearly 1/2-A Fun Stunt Event. Flying Lines home pageBack to Vancouver Gas Model Club pageThis page was upated June 29, 2015