Broadway Bod Busters

The Broadway Bod Busters Cross the Line

By Ken Burdick

Yes Folks, it's true.

In our never ending search for unique talent, we have crossed the boundary line separating North from South and re-created the international branch of the BBB. Reluctantly we financed Huevos Fritos to conduct the search world wide. We finally cancelled his visa card off the coast of Normandy where he claimed to be searching Monte San Michelle for combat fliers.

Head of Security and stunt Guru Dirty Dan tracked Huevos down and found him with Lisa,"a prospective" combat flier. Huevos has once again been relieved of his duties.

We did however, find Paul Gibeault in the next room, who said he would become the first new member of 2009!




For those of you who do not know Paul, he is an extremely accomplished racer and internationally known speed flier from Alberta. Paul has represented Canada in F2A speed for several years and is well published in both speed and racing circles.

Paul however has his dark side, and has been known to pick up a combat handle from time to time. It was none other than this gentle spirit that was responsible for the the much ballyhooed combat shut-off and destroyed Combat.

 Sad but true, this means more work and frustration for the Stunt Guru Dirty Dan, because Paul has also placed in more than a few stunt events. In a recent quote from Paul, he said: "Who knew going slow would be so difficult!"

The secret Bod Buster induction ceremony will take place in Eugene during the Regionals weekend.

As always, you mess with him, you mess with us.

We welcome Paul.

                                                                                           -- Kenny-b and the Bod-Busters

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This page was upated Feb. 24, 2009