Broadway Bod Busters

Bod Busters show Big-Big at first major race

By Ken Burdick

Yes folks, it's true,

One lone Bod Buster rode into Tucson, Ariz., to fly the well attended the "Cabin Fever" racing event in March 2009. You would think that just one of the BBB might not create much of a stir in the countries best attended racing contest this side of the Nationals, but then again, he is a Bod Buster.

It was none other than the newest member of the world renowned competition team, Rock Star Paul Gibeault, who left an indelible mark on the contest. Paul piloted to five awards in this Bladder Grabber of Racing including a record breaking pace in Clown Race. Looks like the lap count was somewhere around the current record of 326 laps! One bad pit attributed to less than BBB quality keeps the record at fingertip reach and Todd Ryan for the time being retains the record, but change is in the air

File photo of Paul (left) and Todd racing at the 2008 Northwest Regionals. Flying Lines photo.

Smoke gets in your eyes

For some reason other than my old friend Nitro Benzene, The Rock Star tells us that airplanes were catching on fire! Here is a quote from Paul.

"One of the Sonofabat slow rats caught fire & Bob Oge kicked it where it set another guys leg on fire as well! That BTR (B team-race) is SO COOL as there's more fires than in jet speed!! Bill Lee pitted one BTR that caught fire on landing & was on fire coming into the I said...way cool. I have every intention of keeping up a good BBB tradition of doing stuff people say can't be done."

(Photos at left are of the Sonofabat and the B-Team racer in the aftermath. Paul Gibeault photos.)

Race reporting as only a Bod Buster can."Blow it up or light it on fire!"

Approaching the N.W Regionals, the BBB is leading the way in combat points and now is knocking on the racing door in a major way! Stay tuned to Flying Lines to see what happens at the largest contest in the U.S this side the Nationals, The North West Regional Championships.

Can they do it?

The people want to know.

Can the BBB keep an iron grip on combat, will the Rock Star once again dominate racing, will the BBB set yet another WORLD RECORD in F2D Proto, there are rumors of a Big Block speed ship and just who is Louie-Louie anyway!.what about the Proto Challenge for the million bucks! Will the Stunt Guru let the dogs out with the new Wimpact?

But wait, there's more!

The BBB will enter at least three more classes of speed at NWR 2009. That's a total of 11 different speed models!!! It'll be back to back Bod Busters in the speed circle.

Come to the Regionals and don't miss a single minute of the action! Kenny-b, The Rein Man, The Buzz Man, Dirty Dan The Stunt Guru, Steve-O and the Combat Monster, racing and speed sensation The Rock Star. Yes, we'll do it all because we are the Broadway Bod Busters!

Right: One of many groupies seen following the BBB's Rock Star racer in Tucson.

-- KennyB And The Bod Busters

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This page was upated April 8, 2009