It's your Northwest
Web site!
Contributions of material for any Flying Lines feature
are invited
from Northwest CL fliers. Articles, contest reports, calendar
items, photos
and other items are welcomed! If you would like to submit an
article, please
read the guidelines below.
Guidelines for submission of articles to Flying
- Submit your article to the editor via e-mail. We can also
accept material on CD.
- Text: The written part of the article can be simply the
text of an e-mail, or as an attached document. If you send an
attached document, first choice is a Macintosh Pages File. We
can also accept a Word document and some other formats.
- Formatting: Since your article will be converted into
html for posting on the web, the formatting you use in your text
will be mainly advisory; we will make it as close to what you
submitted as possible, but it may not look exactly the same.
Less complicated is easier!
- Photos and graphics: Send photos as jpg files and
graphics (drawings, etc.) as gif files. Attach these to your
e-mail. Do not embed graphics and photos in your text. Just put
in a line saying "Photo of xxx goes here" where the item should
go. A note about quality: Please submit high-quality
photos taken by a conventional digital camera or scanned from
film or print. Prints sent by hard copy are OK, too. Cell phone
photos usually are not usable for publication.
- Tabular material: The software used by your editor to
create FL web pages does not handle tab stops and tables
very well. Avoid using these if possible.
- Flyers and other downloads: If you are including a
document that you intend to be linked for download, such as a
contest flyer, send it in PDF form. If you are using a
Windows computer, there is a "save as" option for converting
documents to pdf. If you are a Mac user, it's a button option in
the print dialog box.
- Style: Every publication has its own "style." This is
the general look of articles, as well as details of writing.
Style is a publication's effort to be consistent and predictable
for readers. FL's style is pretty loose, but we do try
to make the articles look roughly the same, and we try to
present a semi-professional image to the world. Please take
a look at the articles already on the web site and try to
follow the general format. For example, you will see that
we refer to Control-Line and CL, not U-control or UC. You'll see
that we have a certain way of listing contest results. Certain
words are spelled a certain way. "Bellcrank," not "bel-crank."
An ellipsis is three dots (...) not 10 (..........). You get the
- Pre-editing: Once you've written an article, please go
back and read it. Run your spell-checker. Correct your
punctuation. Take out random line breaks, odd capitalizations,
extra spaces, etc. Send it to FL as clean as possible.
All of this saves your unpaid editor a lot of time he'd rather
spend in the workshop.
- Taste: Bear in mind that FL articles are posted
on the world wide web, and that is literally true.
Anyone in the world with a computer, including children, can
read your article. Keep it clean, try to be fair and accurate,
and do not include personal attacks or insults. Of course, humor
is welcome; just use some good judgment.
- Relevance: Please keep all articles on the subject of
control-line model aviation.
Finally, we recommend that anyone submitting articles please read
Flying Lines editorial
This page was
updated March 12, 2025