Paul Walker's Impact XLE flashes by during Expert Precision Aerobatics competition at the 2008 Raider Roundup, at the new site in Chehalis, Wash. Bruce Hunt photo.
provided by Bill Darkow
We had 31 entrants and were blessed with good weather both days.
Northwest standings points in parentheses
OLD-TIME STUNT (2 entries)
1. Pete Peterson, Tacoma, Wash., 307 (2)
2. Mike Haverly, Auburn, Wash., 290.5 (1)
CLASSIC STUNT (9 entries)
1. Pat Johnston, Boise, Idaho, 548.5 (9)
2. Bruce Hunt, Salem, Ore. 546.5 (8)
3. Al Resinger, Delta, B.C., 542 (7)
4. Pete Peterson, 531.5, (6)
5. Mike Haverly, 522
6. Jeff Rein, Covington, Wash., 488
7. Mark Scarborough, Pullman, Wash., 448
8. Dave Covey, Tacoma, Wash., 440
9. Dave Gardner, Renton, Wash., 387
PROFILE STUNT (8 entries)
1. Dan Rutherford, Bothell, Wash., 492 (8)
2. Jerry Eichten, Newberg, Ore., 468 (7)
3. Mark Scarborough, 440.5 (6)
4. Dave Covey, 422 (5)
5. Steve Helmick, Renton, Wash., 414.5
6. Richard Entrwistle, Scappoose, Ore., 404.5
7. Rod Claus, Kent, Wash., 386
8. Rick Cochrun, Marysville, Wash., 343
Photo: Precision aerobatics flight line. Bruce Hunt Photo.
1. Jessica Hanson, Pullman, Wash., 44 (1)
1. Mark Scarborough, 413 (3)
2. Steve Helmick, 405.5 (2)
3. Richard Entwhistle, 374.5 (1)
1. Rick Cochrun, 427 (4)
2. Rod Claus, 424 (3)
3. Dave Gardner, 423 (2)
4. Jeff Rein, 422.5 (1)
1. Paul Walker, Kent, Wash., 587 (16.5)
2. Howard Rush, Bellevue, Wash., 550 (15)
3. Jack Pitcher, Gresham, Ore., 534.5 (13.5)
4. Pat Johnston, Boise, Idaho, 529 (12)
5. Alan Resinger, 524
6. Bruce Hunt, 515
7. Jerry Eichten, 513.5
8. Dan Rutherford, 511
9. Randy Powell, Port Orchard, Wash., 496
10. Mike Haverly, 476
11. Leo Mehl, Portland, Ore., 412
1. Walt Russell, Enumclaw, Wash., 201.36 (3)
2. Mike Potter, Auburn, Wash., 201.1 (2)
3. Bill Darkow, Tenino,Wash., 98 (1)
1/2-A COMBAT (4 entries)
1. Don McKay, Redmond, Wash. (4)
2. Jeff Rein, Covington, Wash. (3)
3. Bob Smith, Roy, Wash., (2)
4. Gary Harris, Banks, Ore. (1)
80 MPH COMBAT (8 entries)
1. Ken Burdick, Kent, Wash. (8)
2. Jeff Rein (7)
3. Buzz Wilson, Belfair, Wash. (6)
4. Bob Smith (5)
5. Don McKay
6. Gary Harris, Jim Green, Mark Hansen
R.F. Stevenson Crock Pot Award
Presented by Gem Patterson to: Mark Scarborough
Left photo: Dan Rutherford's Impact, now flown by Rick Cochrun. Right photo: Dave Gardner has the McClave Skylark started as Mark Scarborough holds. Bruce Hunt photos.
Left photo: Pat Johnston gives his Shark a pull test. Right photo: Another flight line shot. Bruce Hunt photos.
Two views of Dan Rutherford's Wimpact, O.S. FP .20-powered scaled-down Impact. Bruce Hunt photos.
The 80 mph Combat winners at the Roundup, from left: Ken Burdick, Jeff Rein, Buzz Wilson. Gary Harris photo.
By Buzz Wilson
Half-A began under foggy skies and finished in fall sunshine. There were four entries. At the pilots, meeting it was agreed that each pilot would fly each other followed by finals. At the conclusion of the qualifying, Bob Smith had three wins, Jeff Rein had three losses, Don McKay had two wins and one loss, and Gary Harris had one win and two losses.
Bob with his three wins and Jeff with his three losses were matched. Don and Gary were matched. Bob was seen deep in thought figuring out where to place the first place trophy. Bob and Jeff flew and Bob had to abandon his plans for first place. Jeff had his first win of the day and would be flying for first or second.
Don and Gary flew with Don prevailing.
Next, it was Bob flying Gary for third and fourth. Bob won; at least there would be something on the mantle.
Jeff and Don flew for first and second, and Don won.
As it worked out, the flyer with the most wins won first.
Bob was still feeling like he had been Bod Busted out of first so he and Don decided to fly a match. Don won. To quote Hoyt Axton, "The losers cried deal the c
The beautiful fall weather carried over from Saturday but the wind was up. There were eight entries for 80. At the pilots meeting, it was agreed to fly dbat rules four rounds, cuts only, ground time, and then the finals.
When pilots were given one minute to start their engines, they forgot how to get the one flip starts. The wind did not lend itself to multiple cut combat matches. A typical match was one cut with ground time being the deciding factor. By lunchtime, two rounds had been flown and the pilots were adjusting to the conditions. Weight was added to wing tips to compensate for wind. At the lunch break, a vote was taken to see if the pilots wanted to fly three rounds and then the finals. The pilots pressed on for four rounds.
The best match of the day was between Jeff and Ken. Each was flying F2D equipment, and it gave everyone a taste of high quality F2D combat. Another interesting match was with Ken and Bob, Ken took all of Bob's streamer early on and was forced to fly defense. Everyone knew how this would end up, and indeed, it did with Ken muttering, "Thanks a lot, Bob"
Although not kept as an official NW Record, it is estimated that Ken has been hit by someone else in excess of 300 times while never hitting anyone. That is not to say that we have not seen him hit upon someone and win.
At the conclusion of four rounds, there was a tie for fourth and fifth between Bob and Don. Bob was able to win. Jeff and Ken would be flying for first and second. Bob and Buzz for third and fourth. They decided to flip a coin. Buzz had a coin with tails on both sides in his left pocket and a coin with two heads on it in his right pocket. He asked Bob to call heads or tails, Bob called tails and Buzz reached into his right pocket.
Jeff and Ken flew for first and second. Jeff got a quick cut on Ken and just as he got the second one Ken's head blocked Jeff's view and he lawn darted. It was a matter of ground time. Calls to Ken dork it, or do a loop failed and Ken prevailed.
By Ken Burdick
Yes Folks it's true,
The Broadway Bod Busters, once again leaving one third place trophy on the table swooped in to take top honors at the last combat contest of the year, winning first and second in 1/2A and first, second and third in 80 mph!
Our arch rivals who gave us the "wake-up call" at the Bladder Grabber were sparse but well represented by Mark Hansen and Gary Harris. Both. Gary and Mark flew well, but well just wasn't going to cut it today.
Combat Monster Don McKay cut up everything in sight on Saturday including the wind indicator used by the adjacent stunt circle! "It was orange..I just went for it"
Bob Smith somehow didn't win 1/2A but was without loss going into the finals. Bob usually files that well.
80 mph brought out the big iron and the hot-dog F2D planes. It was a brawl ... all day!
The rules were changed slightly by contest management to cuts only and a 1-minute starting period as used in Vintage Diesel Combat. The results of this coupled with four-round flying gave everyone their fill of combat for the day. We completed by 4:00 and all totaled there were about six rounds flown to get to the winners.
Rumor has it there is a Chehalis Cup in the works, the rules used by Buzz Wilson at the Roundup, used in the 5-contest series that will be announced soon in Flying Lines.
Be sure you read about it here first!
The matches seemed to go on forever with cuts being sparse in the beginning, but ending up in a full blown pull out the stops, "katey get yer gun" barn burner matches between teammates The Rein Man and Kenny-B. Both used .15 Cyclone PC6 abd F2D style planes. Rein Man using the well thought out R& B Ripp-off while Kenny-B used his Wakkerman 11 F2D's. Lots of close quarter flying, cuts.action packed with Kenny getting the win.
Thank you to the Sky Raiders for the fun and Buzz Willson for running the events.
The Stunt Guru Dan Rutherford showed off his new WimPact, a 78% profile of Paul Wakers Impact. Dan Stole the show is about the best way to describe it.
We had a great time and the fun factor was increased due to clever ideas presented By the Buzz Man.
Stay tuned for info on the Cehalis Cup.
Kenny-B and The Bod Busters.
This page was upated Oct. 5, 2008