Northwest Control-Line History

Gallery 2: Photos submitted in 2008

These are photos from Pacific Northwest control-line model aviation history, submitted by FL readers in 2008. More recently submitted photos are on the current Northwest CL History page. Earlier photos are on Northwest CL History Gallery 1: Photos submitted in 2007 or before

If you have information that would add further detail to the captions on this page, e-mail the Flying Lines editor.

Ben Madsen, circa 1960s

Ben Madsen captured in three 1960s photos. Don Schultz says: In those early stunt daze, Ben, Benny (Ben's son, at right above) and I traveled all over the Northwest together to fly contests. We would hook a little U-Haul trailer onto my old '62 VW with the ragtop or his old vintage Ford (or was it a Chevy). Here is a shot at the Canada Internats where I got even with him for using my old Blue Nobler for a seat by taking 1st place away from him that day. He got even later at a contest in Tacoma where he "stole" the first place trophy from a whole bunch of us ... with that CREAM-COLORED SHARK...(which had a habit of SHARK BITE-N' so many of us ne'r-do-well contestants in those daze-days, sooooo long ago.
Below left, Madsen with his Heinkel HE19 night fighter, and at right with a Modified Shark 45.
Madsen still lives in Tacoma and works at a hobby shop. He is sometimes seen at Puget Sound area contests. Don Schultz photos.

Modeling reunion, 1971-2008

The Mission Wings fun fly on Aug. 24, 2008, in Mission, B.C., was the scene of a reunion between some flying friends from the past. Barrie Hobkirk of Vancouver, B.C., says it's the first time the group has been together for the first time in about 35 years. The two photos above are 37 years apart.

The top photo was taken at a meet in Vancouver,Wash., in 1971. From left are Barrie Hobkirk (a scale and speed flier), Greg Davis (stunt and combat flier), Louise (girlfriend of one of the fliers), Don McKay (combat flier), Ron Scoones (combat flier) and Ken Burdick (still an active combat flier). The bottom photo, taken on Aug. 24, 2008, is, from left, Hobkirk, Kelly Crozier (combat and racing flier), McKay, Davis and Burdick.

Barry also sent along the photo at right, Ben Madsen's scale model Heinkel HE219 night fighter, from the same era.

Photos provided by Barry Hobkirk.

Twin and twins

Left photo: Ben Madsen shows off a twin-engine test ed stunt model at Cheney Stadium in Tacoma, Wash., in 1966. Right photo: Bob Welch (left) and Joe Dill. Now, who got the idea for the paint job and who copied it? (That's Leo Mehl passing by the background.) Don Schultz recalls that Bob and Joe built the two Chipmunks with matching paint jobs and often flew duo demos together.
Don says: "Bob and Joe would add 'thrill n' chill' ... when doing the wingovers ... Joe would go reverse and Bob right ... fly around the circle and just before hitting head-on ... both would pop up and over the circle together. Also fun to watch them play chicken, as they would fly laps in opposite directions (passing over or under during the crossover impact stage." Photos provided by Don Schultz.

Left photo: Doc Dona of Kent, Wash., flew this nice Hurricane, being launched by his son at the 1968 Albany, Ore., contest. Right photo: Randy Schultz with an excellent stunt model, sometime in the 1980s. Photos provided by Don Shultz.

False Creek Park, Vancouver, B.C., circa 1970

Lots of flying went on at False Creek park in the late 1960s and early '70s. Philip Walden, a member of the Vancouver Gas Model Club at the time, provided these photos of the action. Above left is the pit area for a combat contest in the early 70s. Mostly diesel engines show a strong British influence. Above right is Chris Sackett, now known as the speed flier "Partner," with a stunt plane. At left is a plane flown by Greg Davis, also a noted combat flier.


Speed demons

Chris Sackett of British Columbia (left) and Bill Wagner of Portland, Ore., seen at a contest in Albany, Ore., in the 1966-68 era. Don Schultz photo.

Two stunt legends

Don Schultz photographed two stunt legends at the 1967 or 1969 Nationals. Left, Jim Silhavy, whose finishes and workmanship were always among the very best. At right, Al Rabe holds Silhavy's FAI Gypsy.

Puget Sound stunt (etc.)

Don Shultz has supplied a steady stream of old Northwest CL photos. Above, Don is seen accepting the Best Finish Award at a contest at the Yakima Firing Center, Yakima, Wash., in the late 1960s.

Paul Walker (left) and Ted Fancher, with one of Paul's early Impact models. Photo provided by Don Schultz.

Ted Fancher and family at the Boeing Space Center. Ted is holding his Classic Ares. Photo provided by Don Schultz.

Don Schultz' '77 Avenger was not just a stunt plane. It also was a tow plane for a rubber-powered free flight model! Photo provided by Don Schultz.

Send in your historic CL photo. All you have to do is e-mail the editor or mail the hard-copy photos to Flying Lines, 2456 Quince St., Eugene, OR 97404.

Northwest CL History Gallery 1: Photos submitted in 2007 or before

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This page was upated Jan. 24, 2009