PURPOSE: Northwest .15 Fast Combat is a competition class that is similar to AMA Combat but is intended for FAI F2D-type aircraft powered by .15 engines.

1. All rules for AMA (fast) combat shall apply except as follows:

2. ENGINES: Any engine up to .1526 displacement is permitted. Electric power is allowed.

3. LINES: Type and size are to be per the AMA rulebook. Length shall be 52 feet 3 inches plus or minus 2 inches measured per the AMA rulebook.

4. SPEED LIMIT: All models must adhere to a 100 mph speed limit. No devices capable of varying the speed of the airplane in flight, such as throttles or carburetors adjusted by elevator trim, are allowed.
4.1. Airspeed timing: The event director has the authority at any point in the contest to time an airplane suspected of exceeding the speed limit. If found in violation, that airplane shall not be allowed to compete further until the contestant demonstrates that the airspeed is legal.

The shutoff must be a line tension type. No swing-arm shutoffs will be permitted. At the beginning of each match, the pilot must be able to demonstrate that the shutoff functions correctly.
5.2. The Shutoff will be tested at the beginning of the first match. If the equipment is changed, the CD must be notified and the shutoff retested. Failure to test a new shutoff will result in disqualification from the contest.

6. MATCH PROCEDURE: Flying of matches shall be exactly the same as in AMA combat, except as follows:
6.1. Contestants must start their own engines. If a contestant is unable to start his engine due to a disability or injury, a mechanic may start the engine, but the contestant must remain outside the circle until the battery clip is removed from the engine. Electric starters are not allowed.

7. MATCH SCORING: Scoring as per AMA Combat rules. An alternate scoring system may be used by the contest organizers, provided that the deviation from AMA rules is announced in advance of the contest.

8. CONTEST FORMAT: Contests will be run in an elimination format as per AMA rules. An alternate format, such as a series of rounds, may be used provided that the deviation from AMA rules is announced in advance of the contest or that the contestants agree unanimously to a change in format.


Northwest rules are coordinated and sponsored by Flying Lines,
the independent voice of Northwest Control-Line model aviation.
Visit for more information, or e-mail